对于进口商来说,向任何供应商下订单之前,进行“尽职调查”都是一个明智的做法,尤其是与越南等发展中国家的工厂合作时。无论您想核查供应商是否符合“零售商标准(例如:沃尔玛的责任采购标准)”,还是检查工厂的质量管理系统是否符合ISO 9001标准,AQF的专业团队都能够为您提供帮助。
— AQF的宗旨是代表您的利益。
您可以自主决定开始和结束合作的时 间,没有长期合同限制。客户可以轻松 地评估我们的服务流程和有效性。我们 的越南团队将随时待命,在您需要时为 您提供全面、周到的服务。
You guys are quite efficient in making sure that you are in constant communication with our vendors to set up a time and day to have inspections handled... InTouch definitely pushed to make sure that inspections would be done in a timely manner. Any corrective actions that had to take place were executed well before the exit factory date.
Ron Eclarinal
Director of Production, Betabrand
Since InTouch does a more detailed inspection than what we had depended on with the factories, the quality of the products has improved. Where before when we might find 25 AQL defects, now it's down to three or
Deb Choate
Administrative Assistant, Linstol
InTouch’s auditing reduced the level of risk, whether known or unknown, to our company. From the audit findings provided by InTouch, we were much more equipped to make the correct business decision with regard to an acceptable level of risk. The InTouch audit secured our decision making process.
Jerry Davis
Vice President of Purchasing, MJS Packaging
One of our customers had been through multiple suppliers year after year and had been let down with returns and rejections. With InTouch as our eyes and ears on the ground, we retained that business for 5 years without one single rejection or complaint.
Nick Rivera
Director of Operations, MMI Textiles
The speed that we get the reports is always good. We had an experience with some other inspectors where we had to wait an extra day to get the reports. Getting the report as soon as we can is very important, so we can make a decision and give feedback back to the factory.
Denis O'Mahony
Operations and Engineering Manager, Juku Gear
From beginning to end, InTouch is so easy to work with. The inspection report is literally there the next morning when I come into work. It really makes my job easier.
Nicole Thoma
Inside Sales Specialist, MJS Packaging