Manufacturing Country

Factory Audit Services in Vietnam

Verifying your supplier in Vietnam before placing an order

A common problem when you start sourcing in Vietnam

Let’s say you’ve decided to start working with a supplier in Vietnam who claimed to be able to meet your product requirements and gave a reasonable manufacturing quote. But halfway through production you discover that the supplier’s “factory” is actually just a small office that outsourced your order to another factory in the country.

Aside from the difficulty in monitoring product quality and making sure the factory operates ethically, you face production and shipping delays. There’s a strong chance the order won’t ship on time, and the product won’t meet your requirements.

How could you limit this kind of risk?

The solution to the problem: factory audits in Vietnam

Only by auditing your factory in Vietnam can you verify where the goods will actually be made, production capacity of the facility and more. But personally going to the factory to observe the factory yourself can be troublesome and expensive. Aside from the inconvenience of having to travel to the factory yourself, you may not be familiar with the checks needed during a professional audit.

factory-audits-vietnam.jpgAQF helps by offering factory audits in Vietnam on your behalf. Our team of experienced auditors have evaluated many different types of factories in Vietnam, as well as elsewhere in Asia.

Our local factory auditors in Vietnam help you by visiting your supplier’s facility to investigate the following:

  • Equipment maintenance & calibration
  • Production & engineering capabilities
  • Dormitory, meeting and storage areas
  • Quality management systems, following ISO 9001 standards
  • Adherence to ethical standards, such as Walmart’s Responsible Sourcing standards

You’ll receive a detailed report with photographs to document the state of the factory and any problems found. If the supplier needs to improve, you’ll know which specific issues need to be addressed.

An audit is often considered the last important step in finding the right supplier. Audits are one of the best ways to investigate a potential supplier before placing an order. And whether you need to confirm that a factory complies with ethical sourcing standards or meets particular environmental regulations, our professional auditing team can help you.

Don’t take any chances when working with a supplier for the first time. Insist on a factory audit for your suppliers in Vietnam before placing an order.