Our experienced product engineers team design tailor-made quality control solutions for all types of electronics and electrical appliances. With dedicated inspectors located across Asia, we are at your factory within 48H.dsdasdsa
In a highly innovative and time driven industry, AQF electronics experts design tailored quality control solutions to ensure the conformity of your products before shipment.
Smart watches
And more.
Our products engineers help you control the quality of household appliances along the entire supply chain so you can meet delivery lead-times and comply with safety and quality standards.
Home care
Personal care
And more.
Our dedicated experts design effective lighting quality control solutions at every stage of your supply chain across Asia to ensure on-time delivery, product quality, and consumer safety.
Outdoor lights
Indoor lights
Ceiling lights
LED bulbs
Conventional bulbs
And more.
Our experienced electronics and electrical product engineers design product-specific quality control solutions to ensure you meet your quality, safety, and time-to-market obligations.
Electronic tools
Exercise and fitness equipment
Consumer electronics accessories
And more.
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