Cadmium Compliance Test

Cadmium is a highly toxic mineral that is used in nickel-cadmium batteries, pigments, metal plating and coatings, as well as for stabilizers in plastics. In recent years, there has been considerable concern about the use of cadmium to make the coating on children’s jewelry, and special regulations were set up in Canada and several US states. Children are particularly susceptible to chronic cadmium ingestion which causes several health problems, including kidney damage and bone loss. Total cadmium amounts in pigments, paints, coatings, toys, and plastics are strictly limited internationally. Our laboratory partners can perform cadmium compliance test in China and across Asia to ensure your products are below the permitted levels of cadmium, as well as a variety of other chemical tests.


Food Contact Compliance Test

To make sure that all materials that may come into contact with foodstuffs are safe, you are required to perform a food contact lab test. All materials that contact with food, such as packaging, dishes, cutlery, glassware, ceramics, and storage containers must be safe and should not transfer any of their components into food in unacceptable quantities.

Since food contact materials may cause safety risks, strict regulations have been enacted with regards to food contact materials, especially in the United States, where all food contact materials exported into the country must be tested for compliance.

AQF laboratory partners have extensive knowledge of international food contact regulations. Our partners can perform food contact compliance test in China and across Asia according to various standards, including but not limited to all FDA regulations in the United States.


Phthalates Compliance Test

Our laboratory partners are capable of performing Phthalate free testing in China and across Asia. Many different types of Phthalates are used as plasticizers to increase flexibility, transparency, durability, and longevity, and as additives to certain plastics. They can be found in various products, especially children’s toys, food packaging materials, shoes, textiles, paints, medical devices, and many more.

Many restrictions on phthalates have come into effect in recent years, and our laboratory partners can perform a phthalate compliance test to make sure your products comply with the various phthalate standards and regulations.

In the United States, the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA), prescribes that all children’s toys that could contain phthalates must be certified as meeting the specified limits as outlined in the law. Make sure your products comply with all phthalate levels before importing them into the United States.


ASTM F963 compliance test

Millions of toys are recalled each year due to safety standards, but our laboratory partners will help you avoid those unnecessary costs. Compliance tests for ASTM F963 toy safety include mechanical, physical, flammability, chemical, electrical, lead content, toxicological, radioactive, and packaging and labeling inspection and analysis all under ASTM standards.