Factory Audit Services in Cambodia

Verifying your supplier in Cambodia before placing an order

How does a factory audit in Cambodia help your importing business?

For many importers, investigating their potential supplier with an audit is the last step in the sourcing process. They want to avoid the kinds of problems that can occur when they’re not familiar with the facility that will actually be manufacturing their goods. Anything from production & shipping delays to quality problems to noncompliance with retailer standards is possible without conducting a professional audit of a factory. And importers are more likely to encounter these issues in factories operating in developing countries like Cambodia.

factory-audit-cambodia.jpgA factory audit in Cambodia helps you verify a number of areas, such as:

  • Manufacturing ability & capacity
  • Equipment maintenance & calibration
  • Engineering & design capabilities
  • Quality management systems following ISO 9001 standards
  • Adherence to ethical sourcing requirements following a specific brand/retailer framework

If you’re manufacturing in Cambodia, or elsewhere, it’s wise to conduct an audit of your supplier’s factory before placing an order. Putting your trust in the supplier without taking a close look at their facility can lead to a host of quality and compliance issues, dissatisfied customers and other problems. If you’re distributing through a retailer like Walmart or Target, they can even refuse to stock your product if they discover you’re working with a supplier that doesn’t meet their requirements.

AQF audits factories in Cambodia

AQF has a Western-managed team of local factory auditing experts in Cambodia and throughout much of Asia. With experience in a number of different auditing frameworks, our team offers audits that are tailored to meet your needs. You’ll benefit from receiving a detailed report, complete with photos documenting our findings, to help you vet potential suppliers and ensure you’re working with the right one for your business.

Working with a supplier in Cambodia to manufacture your goods poses many risks. But a factory audit helps you avoid working with the wrong supplier and the headaches that come with it.