55. 3 Complications of Sub-Suppliers and How to Avoid Them

Download this episode (right click and save) A supply chain with sub-suppliers is almost inevitable. In the manufacturing sector, sub-suppliers are common and can actually help with the quality of your goods because each can specialize in certain components. But that doesn't mean they are without problems. InTouch Client Managers John Niggl and Stacy Bruce walk you through some problems that are frequently encountered with sub-suppliers and what you can do to overcome them. In this manufacturing podcast episode, you'll learn about:
  • Difficulty managing the quality of sub-components and materials;
  • Potential production and shipping delays; and
  • Limited oversight for ethical sourcing
Sub-suppliers can complicate things. But they can also help to cut costs. If your supplier is using sub-suppliers to manufacture part of your product, it doesn’t mean that you have to blindly accept any potential problems that result. And if you’d prefer to read the article that covers this topic instead, check out 3 Complications of Sub-Suppliers and How to Avoid Them.
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