Long-Term Production Monitoring Booking Policy And Conditions

A.  Scheduling and Allocation

A.  安排与分配

Upon receipt of every booking, change or cancellation request, InTouch will issue an Auditor Allocation Confirmation (AAC) schedule to the supplier within one working day.

当收到预订,变更和取消服务的请求时, InTouch 将会在一个工作日内向工厂或者贸易商发出验货员安排确认函。

B.  Bookings and Increases to Manpower

B.  服务预定及增加人手要求

1.     Requests for bookings and increases to manpower can be made by filling out the InTouch Booking Form and submitting it as an attachment to booking@intouchquality.com.

1.     预定服务或者要求增加人手时,工厂或者贸易商需填写InTouch 《生产监控申请表》,并以附件的形式发送到:booking@intouchquality.com

2.     Requests for bookings or increases to manpower must be received at least 24 hours prior to the start time of the requested service. InTouch will receive requests from Monday 9am through Saturday 5pm. All requests made after 5pm on Saturday will be considered as received on the following Monday at 9am.

2.     预定服务或增加人手的请求必须至少在所需服务开始24小时之前提交给InTouch。 服务申请的受理时间为星期一上午9点到星期六下午5点。所有在星期六下午5点之后提交的申请将会被视为在下个星期一上午9点收到。

3.     Suppliers are encouraged to book for as many days in advance as possible (for example, through the following week or month). There is no limit to the amount of time that can be booked in one form. Subsequent changes can be made as necessary, according to the rules outlined in this policy.

3.     我们鼓励工厂或者贸易商尽可能提前申请所需的服务( 例如,提前申请接下来的一个星期或一个月的服务)。申请表上没有限制预订服务的期限,并可以依据本规则的要求进行更改。

4.     Requests received less than 24 hours prior to the start time of the requested service are considered RUSH requests, and may be subject to additional charges to cover travel and other expenses incurred in meeting the request. Factories are requested to make all RUSH requests by phone call to the InTouch office, in addition to email.

4.     预定服务或增加人手的请求提交给InTouch的时间距服务开始少于24小时的, 则将被视为加急申请。 因此将可能产生额外的费用,包括支付差旅费或者进行服务的其他相关费用。所有加急申请都必须以电话和邮件两种方式通知InTouch。

5.     Additional charges apply to services performed on Sundays (1.5 X actual man-day count) and Chinese public holidays (2.0 X actual man-day count).

5.     周末和中国法定节假日的服务将产生额外费用:星期天(一般费用×1.5 ),中国法定节假日(一般费用×2.0)。

6.     All requests for bookings and increases to manpower are subject to InTouch availability.

6.     所有的服务申请和增加人手的请求都以InTouch的可行性为准。

C.  Cancellations and Reductions to Manpower

C.  取消服务和减少人手申请

1.     Requests for cancellations or reductions to manpower must be made by submitting an updated InTouch Booking Form as an attachment to booking@intouchquality.comThe body of the email must indicate what services are to be cancelled or changed.

1.     取消服务和减少人手时,工厂或贸易商需重新填写InTouch《生产监控申请表》,并以附件形式发送到:booking@intouchquality.com在邮件中必须指明取消或更改的内容。

2.     Requests for cancellations or reductions to manpower must be received at least 24 hours prior to the start time of the requested service. InTouch will receive requests from Monday 9am through Saturday 5pm. All requests made after 5pm on Saturday will be considered received on the following Monday at 9am. Requests made less than 24 hours in advance require a phone call to the InTouch office, in addition to email.

2.     取消服务或减少人手的申请必须至少在服务开始24小时之前提交给InTouch. 申请的受理时间为星期一上午9点到星期六下午5点。所有在星期六下午5点之后提交的申请将会被视为在下个星期一上午9点收到。所有少于24小时的申请都必须以电话和邮件两种方式通知InTouch。

3.     Services not cancelled 24 hours in advance will be billed in full according to the most recently issued AAC schedule.

3.     取消服务的申请没有提前24小时提交给InTouch的,InTouch将会按照最近的验货员安排确认函的安排收取全部的费用。

D.  Working Days and Holidays

D.  工作日和假日

“Working Days” are Monday – Saturday from 9am – 5pm. Working days and all above stated time periods exclude Chinese public holidays.
